Friday, August 30, 2013

Birthday Party Planning

       I used to decorate the kids parties in Pinterest style decorations, I'd go all out. I'd have big decorations in whatever theme, super cool homemade cakes in coordinating theme (a monster truck one year). I would make big painted decorations to hang up, I would have planned out games and the snacks would be cute and theme-y. I mean I gotta tell ya, these were cool parties. People would tell me how creative I was and how cute everything was. I was the mom. And you know what? I was a total stress case because everything had to be perfect.
       Then last year I realized, my kids don't care. I mean yes they get excited about decorations, but balloons and streamers make them just as happy as me spending a whole week planing decorations. And they really don't care if I spend hours the night before making the cake or if they get to pick out whichever one they want at Costco. Games are fun, but the fun part is just playing with your friends.
      Lindy's birthday party is this weekend and I decided tonight to look up decoration ideas and games on Pinterest to see if there were a couple ideas I could copy. And I saw. And I browsed. And I started to feel crappy about myself. These moms had beautiful pictures of perfectly planned out parties, with huge wall size murals, and cute themed labels for the food table. And beautiful cakes that I'm sure are specialty ordered. And capes and masks for every kid, and so many games I'm sure the party was three hours just to fit in games. And cool cut out photo booths, and props for the kids. And the pictures they posted- I mean these are good pictures. They have to have hired someone to do pictures. I mean how do you get so many perfect pictures of kids at a party? And the moms were even in the pictures!! And not only did they plan and execute these parties, but they blogged about it! And here I was with streamers and balloons and a couple colored plastic table cloths. I started to panic. My party wasn't going to be that great. What would the parents coming think?
       Then I remembered what I've learned the last year. I cannot do it all. I can not be who those other moms on Pinterest are. And my kids don't care. Lindy will be happy to have balloons are streamers and cake with her friends. She will be excited to hand out goody bags to her friends even if they don't have theme coordinating cut out decorations on them. I can still try to have a neat photo backdrop for them, and we can try a couple games, but I'm not going to stress out over it. I'm not going to be upset if it's not what I think would be perfect. Because over and above being the mom who looks like super mom who has it all together, I want to be the mom who has fun. Who enjoys my daughters 4th birthday party. Who is not yelling and snapping at my family 30 minutes before guests arrive like I was before. Its great that some people can have those picture perfect parties. The ones we all envy on Pinterest. I'm just not that person. And I'm ok with that. My kids are happy and thats what I really care about.
       If you're like me and you see those pictures on Pinterest, don't feel crappy. Don't stress about the "perfect" party. Don't think you have to do it all for your kid's party to be a success. Do what you can do. Be the mom you are, not the one you think you should be. Relax, enjoy the party. Enjoy your little birthday star. I will be.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our family is growing again!

Yes that's right. The Schittl family is growing again! Today we grew by 2 more. 

Say hello to Fred and Eddie. 

Fred is silver with a colorful tail, And Eddie is mostly black with a silver face and a little yellow on his tail. 

Here they are as they are entering their new home. 

Here is Solomon adoring his new babies. Who knew two little guppies would make a eight year old boy so happy? 

We started with two fish because that's what the lady at the pet store suggested. She said it'd be good to get two now and then if Solomon still wanted more, then to come in a few days and get two more. Solomon picked out which two he wanted and named them on the way home. He's a happy kid. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Shower options, if you're 6....

Let me set the scene. You are a 6 1/2 year old boy. 
It is HOT and you are up late after watching Daddy play softball. 
You go outside to help mom water the vegetable garden.

But then the sprinklers come on. 

Now 5 minutes ago he DID NOT want to shower. No siree.

The sprinklers though. That is A WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. 

Complete 6 year old joy right here folks. 

I love you mommy! 

Theres my silly boy. 

JOY. I'm just glad he left his clothes on. 

Look at this face. I mean how do you say no to this adorable boy?

My little big boy. He is my joy. 

This one turned out cool, you can see where he jumped to while my camera was getting the shot. Tonight I was wishing for a bigger flash for my camera so I could catch all his cuteness. 
So all these pictures just to say, Nathan showered in the sprinklers tonight. And I'm ok with that. He wants to do it again though. I really hope this doesn't make actual shower time more difficult.......
 Oh well. 

Our adoptive families

     You see these two beautiful women sitting with me? They are two of my heroes. And two women I love and respect and have so much gratitude for. I don't think I'll ever be able to describe how thankful I am for them and their loving hearts. 
   They took care of my daughters before I could. They loved them and nourished them and fought for them when nobody else would. They opened their homes and their hearts to them. They are part of my girls' story. And they are part of my story. 
   We keep in contact with them because they are family. I didn't know when we started our adoption process how much our family would grow. And I love how it has. I prayed for them while I prayed for my girls when I didn't even know I would get two daughters! I prayed our daughters would be in safe loving homes and they were. They were loved more than I imagined. 
    We had a great visit with them. The kids all played and we got to talk. They got to see the girls bigger. We stay in touch via Facebook and texting but this was this first we'd seen them in many months. 
     Lindy had been asking about her second birthday, which she had while in foster care, and so her foster mom got to tell her about it. I loved watching her eyes light up as she learned she had gifts and chocolate cake and pizza. She got to hear a few stories about when she was little that I didn't have. I love that. 
   Pray for the wonderful people who are foster patents and take care and fight for children who are not "theirs". So many of them pour so much of themselves in to the lives of little (and sometimes not so little) ones. They fight hard and it's a hard fight. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

My daughters and me

Today the boys have spent the day with Nana after spending the night, so it's just been the girls and me.
Lindy and I had a lazy morning in bed while Sarah slept in. Lindys been quietly getting out of bed in the morning to go potty then snuggling with me. It's been great because its some of the first times she has really initiated that kind of thing with me. It's been sweet times in the morning as she climbs in my bed. We snuggle and talk and laugh. This morning I was tired from a long night with Sarah so I turned some cartoons on for her. Oh how I love lazy summer mornings. Well lets be honest, I love lazy mornings. 
There's been baking. 
And of course eating. 
And time with our babies. 
I've even got some bible study done. 

It's been a quiet day. But I've enjoyed the time, and I've enjoyed watching them play and listening to them play with each other. And I am just so grateful The Lord has entrusted me with them. That I get to be their mommy, and they are my daughters. What a joy I have in them. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Teaching them to appreciate their belongings

    We've had this problem with the boys lately. Maybe some of you can relate.
Not super bad, but in our house by 6 & 8 they should know better than to leave their room looking like this.
I mean really, right next to the empty hamper?!?

  The thing is, with our kids we really try to teach them early on to put their things away in the right place, and to put toys away when they are done. And they're really not horrible at it, but they are 6 and 8 and by now should know better. And the things that really bother me, are the toys all around the house, or left outside. Or clothes just tossed on the floor, or again left outside. Expensive Hurly hats that are left outside all night, shoes and socks left out getting rained on. You get the idea. I'm sure most of you are parents and experience the same frustrations. So we came up with a plan. I bought a clear storage bin from Walmart and we sat the boys down and told them if things were left out, they would be taken away until the offending party earned them back. We would not be buying them anything new as long as they had things in the box, and we would donate everything that wasn't earned back in a couple weeks time. If they didn't want them enough to earn them back, we would give it to someone who would appreciate it.   

  I bought a clear bin so they could see in, and placed it right in the front room next to the hall so they could see it. Also every time I'm out shopping and see something I'd like to get them I remind them that I can't. That might be kinda mean, but I want them to know they're missing out! 
   Well the box got fuller and fuller and so I reminded the boys that I would be taking things out to give away soon. That was yesterday and boy did they get in gear! 
He had to sweep and then clean, by hand on hands and knees, the kitchen floor

I'm pretty sure he enjoyed this one. And it was great I got the lawn mowed and he earned back some things!
 They also vacuumed and dusted and cleaned both bathrooms. Mostly I'd like them to do extra chores that are not part of their responsibilities in the family, but yesterday I was in need of tasks for them. So although they are asked to vacuum sometimes, I had vacuum and dusting as one job, and really made sure it was done well. And both bathrooms were cleaned by one boy, and more was asked of him then usual.
  I don't know if this will help. I need a better list of this for them to do to earn things back. We do still have somethings in the bin today, and I'm not sure what chores to have them do now. We'll have to put our heads together to figure out more. I'll probably make a list. 
  So tell me parents do you have the same thing going on at your house? And if not, please tell me the secret!!  

A post you need to read

       Just a quick post today, I wanted y'all to head over to my beautiful friend Laura's blog and read this post (actually I think you should read the whole blog, but this post in particular is on my mind today). She talks about the words we say to our children and how important they are. And the words they really need to hear from us. It's been on my heart and mind since she posted it and I think is a really good reminder to all us moms (and dads) who easily get stuck in just day to day operations, and forget that we are helping to form little people! Anyway, please, please go check it out, and share with your friends. And think about it. It has given me so much to think about and I will soon be posting my thoughts too, so go read it!! Like now. Heres the link again, Words they need to hear. Have a blessed day!